
駐日アフガン大使「完全な崩壊の瀬戸際」 中村哲さんの銃撃死から3年、命日に捧げる祈りと微かな希望

Shaida Mohammad Abdali大使、大使館にて筆者撮影

 駐日アフガニスタン大使館のシャイダ・モハマド・アブダリ(Shaida Mohammad Abdali)大使が先月、東京都港区の大使館で取材に応じ、タリバンに政権が掌握された昨夏以来の複雑な心境を語った。



Shaida Mohammad Abdali大使、大使館にて筆者撮影
Shaida Mohammad Abdali大使、大使館にて筆者撮影


 アブダリ大使はこのたび「Afghanistan: Can Japan Play A Role?」(日本は役割を果たせるか)と題する論文を書き上げた。その中で次のように語っている。(以下、枠内はアブダリ大使の論文より)










Afghanistan is once again at a crucial juncture of its history.

Following the Soviet’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, the world turned its back on Afghanistan. Consequently, the abandonment of Afghanistan not only led to the complete dilapidation of the Afghan state institutions and the beginning of civil war, but it also paved the ground for global terrorism to spread its roots in Afghanistan. An era of killing and destruction began with victorious Jihadi groups fighting each other for territory and power. In competition for power and international recognition, the Jehadi groups further deepened their ties with the neighboring countries.

Consequently, Afghanistan quickly became a competing ground for a proxy war among its neighboring countries. The regional power play in Afghanistan subsequently took the country to a civil war, where hundreds of thousands of Afghans lost their lives, millions became refugees and the country’s relatively developed infrastructure was turned into debris. Afghanistan’s state institutions both civil and military were dismantled. The country’s large arsenal of state-of-the-art weapons was either destroyed or sold to the neighboring countries. Similarly, a sizable Afghan air force with hundreds of different aircrafts was either wrecked or sold at rock-bottom prices to whomever was interested.

The tragedy of Afghanistan didn’t end just with devastating impacts on the internal social, security and economic fabric of the country. Violent political changes and internal fighting made the country a hub of international terrorism.

Furthermore, poppy cultivation in Afghanistan skyrocketed and became the main source of income for terror groups. The country became a narco-state, with 80% of total global poppy production taking place in Afghanistan.

Despite early warning calls by various independent Afghans regarding a pending catastrophe, the world community turned a blind eye and didn’t act.

Afghan lives and their worsening socio-economic situation didn’t matter to the world community. Human rights violations, lack of proper governance, injustice, repressive rule that included a ban on girls’ education, and a ban on women working outside their homes lived on for years without any action taken by the world.

The voice of Afghanistan was only heard when the incident of September 11, 2001, occurred. Around 3,000 Americans died in two terror attacks on New York and Washington.












The hard-earned improvements of the last 20 years of Afghan-international efforts came to a screeching halt when, on August 15, 2021, the government in Kabul fell because of fundamental flaws in what came to be known as the Doha Peace Process. A process that was supposed to bring peace and reconciliation to Afghanistan turned into a nightmare for millions who had participated in the revival and reconstruction of their country. The entire state system, including the country’s civilian and military sectors, was dismantled overnight. The Afghan President and some other high state officials escaped the country. The Taliban took over Kabul and the rest of the country in a matter of just a few days.

Consequently, Afghanistan was cut off from the rest of the world. The country’s state economy collapsed. Panic erupted in the whole country; Afghans rushed to the airport fearing for their lives. Hundreds of thousands of young and educated Afghans fled the country.

Today, more than a year since the Taliban took over, no country in the world has officially recognized the Taliban government. The ordinary people of Afghanistan are bearing the brunt of a worsening situation. The country faces severe food shortages. Drought, flooding and earthquakes have doubled the miseries of the Afghan people. Unemployment has gone up and over 90%. Today, Afghanistan and its 40 million people are at the worst juncture of their long history.

There can be no doubt that Afghanistan is on the brink of a total collapse. The country needs urgent attention to prevent it from falling into yet another quagmire of internal catastrophe and external tragedy.

Fourteen months on since the political change, the socio-economic, political and security situation is going from bad to worse. Poverty and unemployment are on the rise; ninety percent of the population is facing food shortages; minority ethnic communities (including our Hazara citizens) are being killed, terrorized, and systematically persecuted; people are fleeing the country for jobs and safety; education for girls above grade six is still banned; women continue to be banned from outside work; a resistance movement against the Taliban is taking shape in certain parts of Afghanistan; and bomb blasts in public places, particularly in mosques and schools, are frequent.

More importantly, foreign terror networks are returning to Afghanistan.









Can Japan play a role to help Afghanistan and its people with the trauma they are faced with today?

My answer to this question is a definite yes. Based on their memories of the past, Afghans of all ethnicities and professional backgrounds consider Japan to be an old and trustworthy friend of their country.

By following a two-pronged policy of genuine economic assistance and political non-interference towards their country, Japan has gained the respect and trust of the Afghan people. Afghan governments and policy makers in the past aspired to emulate Japan in its path to economic development and social change.

More specifically, to prevent Afghanistan from sliding deeper into the quagmire of poverty, lawlessness, drug production, and terrorism, Japan should take the lead and launch an Afghanistan International Conference, like the Tokyo Conference of January 2002 and subsequently in 2012. In the two conferences, billions of dollars were raised for the socio-economic develop-ment of Afghanistan.

Japan is well-positioned to take on such an important international initiative and play a more useful role as it assumes shortly its non-permanent membership at the UN Security Council.

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シャイダ・モハマド・アブダリ氏(Dr. Shaida Mohammad Abdali)



執筆テーマはAI・ICT、5G-6G(7G & beyond)、移民・外国人、エネルギー。 未来を探究する学問"未来学"(Futures Studies)の国際NGO世界未来学連盟(WFSF)日本支部創設、現在電気通信大学大学院情報理工学研究科で2050年以降の世界について研究。東京外国語大学ペルシア語学科卒、元共同通信記者。 主著『生成AIの常識』(ソシム)、『エネルギー業界大研究』、『電子部品業界大研究』、『AI・5G・IC業界大研究』(産学社)、訳書『Futures Thinking Playbook』。新潟出身。ryuta373rm[at]
