『ロマンシング サガ2 リベンジオブザセブン』さらば愛しの中ボス―悪役達のあるあるベタ台詞をしっかり聞いて流そう【ゲームで英語漬け#152】
お待ちしておりやしたぜ お目にかかれて光栄でさあ へいか! お歩きになるためのとっておきの板を用意しやしたぜ やっちまえ野郎ども!
海賊と言えば定番はやはり「板歩き」。実際に海賊がやった例はあまりないそうですが、□walk the plank□の慣用句は公職や会社において圧力で役職を下ろされることを表すのに使われます。あまり使われる側にはなりたくないものですね。
Who in the hell are you? I have been granted command of this tower by Lord Noel. To challenge me is to challenge him, understand? You bare your fangs at Lord Noel himself!
(And so what?)
W-wait! What do you mean,□so what□!? Did you not hear my words!? You would be inviting the ire of the Seven Heroes! Does that not...scare you?
(His name matters little. I will defeat the Seven Heroes!)
H-hold on a moment! Now, no need to draw your weapon so quickly. I have a proposition for you. Pledge yourself to him, and Lord Noel will grant you a new form. And then eternal life could too be yours! Sounds positively grand, yes? There are few downsides to serving Lord Noel. Unlike if you continued to mingle with those pathetic humans. So fleeting and frail! Like that ninny of an □Emperor□! □Twould be too easy to knock that crown off... And their head along with it! Heehee!
- 『ロマンシング サガ2』皇帝は王を従えられる権力を持つ―ローマ皇帝の出現と帝国覇権の置き土産【ゲームで世界を観る#89】
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