【SDGs】 使わなくなった古材に新たな価値を与える
All Nippon NewsNetwork(ANN)
植物由来の原料を使った繊維を開発し、リサイクル可能な循環システムを構築した玉倉大次さん。きっかけは、アパレル業界が抱える衣類の大量廃棄を減らす取り組みとして、衣類の生産から回収、リサイクルに至るまで、企業がすべてに責任を持つ仕組みを作れないかと考えたことから。開発した繊維は、伸縮させることで起こる圧電効果により電気が発生。将来的にこの性質を生かした発電技術を開発したいと語る玉倉さんの思い描く未来とは? Mr. Daiji Tamakura developed fiber from plant-based materials and set up a recycling system. The impetus for his idea was to reduce the large amount of clothing waste that the apparel industry faces by creating a system in which companies take full responsibility for the entire process of clothing, from production to collection and recycling. The fiber he developed also generates electricity through the piezoelectric effect caused when it is stretched. Mr. Tamakura says he would like to build power generation technology that utilizes this property in the future. What kind of future does he envision?