
「食品ロスなくして全部使う」のが生き物への礼儀であり食料危機の解決法 デンマーク八代目の魚屋語る

Mr. Tommy Raabo Fischer(本人提供)

デンマークで食品ロス削減の活動を精力的におこなっている活動家、セリーナ・ユール氏(Selina Juul)(1)からメールが届いた。デンマークで8代続く魚屋で働くトミー・ラーボ・フィッシャー(Tommy Raabo Fischer)氏が、食品ロス削減の新たな活動を始めたからインタビューしてみたら、とのこと。2019年にセリーナとトミーを取材した(2)のだが、その後のコロナ禍ですっかりご無沙汰していた。





トミー・ラーボ・フィッシャー(Tommy Raabo Fischer、以下トミー):私たちの魚屋は持ち帰りのお店を始めました。食品ロスを活用しておいしい料理を作っています。コロナ禍でその事業を評価し、セリーナと共同体制を築いて、食品ロスを活用しておいしい料理を作る事業を拡大することを決めました。その部門を拡大し、今は2つのキッチンで料理を作ることになっています。

デンマークの市場でTommyさん(HAV TorvehallerneKBH)
デンマークの市場でTommyさん(HAV TorvehallerneKBH)








デンマークの市場でTommyさん(HAV TorvehallerneKBH)
デンマークの市場でTommyさん(HAV TorvehallerneKBH)












Tommyさん(Photo: Maria Warnke Nørregaard)
Tommyさん(Photo: Maria Warnke Nørregaard)

















取材の機会を作っていただいたSelina Juul氏、Christian Moeller氏、デンマーク語を日本語へ通訳して下さったウィンザー庸子氏に感謝申し上げます。

以下、英訳(In English)

'No food loss and waste, use it all' is a courtesy to living creatures and a solution to the food crisis, says Denmark's eighth-generation fishmonger

I received an email from Selina Juul (1), an activist who is actively working to reduce food loss in Denmark. I had interviewed Selina and Tommy in 2019 (2), but after the Corona disaster, I had not seen them for a long time. It had been a while since then.

I therefore contacted Christian Möller, who is in charge of PR for Tommy, and Yoko Windsor, who also interpreted Danish for us at the time, and conducted a remote interview.

Great interest in food loss and waste in Denmark

ーCould you tell us about Tommy's new project?

Tommy: Our fishmonger has started a takeaway shop. We use food loss to create delicious food. We evaluated that business in the C0VID-19 Disaster and decided to establish a joint structure with Selina Juul to expand the business of making delicious food from food loss and waste. We expanded that department and now we have two kitchens to cook food.

ーWith the COVID-19 Disaster, what is the situation with food loss and waste in Denmark at the moment?

Tommy: In terms of media coverage, during Corona there was a very big focus on Corona, and now there is a very big focus on the war in Ukraine. But in parallel, there continues to be a lot of attention in Denmark on the issue of food loss, environmental issues and the effects of climate change. Many companies are striving for the goal of reducing food loss. It concerns the future of our children and we may run out of food. The need to deal with climate change is a major focus in Denmark.

It is a courtesy to animals and fish to make use of every last bit

ー In Japan, there are substandard fish, known as 'unused fish'. About one million tonnes of fish are thrown away every year without being eaten because they are too big or too small, or because their scales have been removed during transport. What is the situation with 'unused fish' in Denmark?

Tommy: Denmark has very strict standards for industrial fishing methods to catch fish in its territorial waters. Foreign nets for net fishing have a very small weave, but in Denmark, if the weave is not big enough, it is not permitted by law. Small fish can escape through the mesh, so only fish above a certain size can be caught in net fishing. The standards of the industrial fishing law are very strict and are getting stricter every year. In my opinion, if an animal or fish is to be killed for human food, it is necessary to use all and everything of the animal or fish. For example, I think it is a courtesy to the animal or fish to make use of the whole thing, not just the fins, for example, the tail is used for soup.

Another thing is that in Denmark, half of our territorial waters have always been closed to fishing. This means that only half of the area of the sea is allowed to be fished. That half of the area is constantly being changed, so that fishing does not take place only in the same place. The rules are designed to protect fisheries resources. Fishermen only catch fish that are in demand by consumers. They cannot catch them, or rather, they do not catch them. To educate citizens and consumers, if someone says they only want tuna and salmon, we introduce another fish in season, saying that cod and white fish are in season now. We introduce new ways of eating fish to people who have never eaten it before, and we work to prevent food loss by educating and communicating with consumers.

'Always 2% better'

ーWhat changes has Tommy's shop seen with the COVID-19 Disaster?

Tommy: Two years ago, in 2020, everything closed on lockdown and everyone was nervous about what was going to happen... But we chose to keep our shops open and not close. While, of course, we had to deal with masks and other things. We kept the business going and handled orders by email and phone. We have survived by focusing more on the delivery business than ever before. We also reviewed the whole business with the Corona Disaster. We have launched a new concept, now a new deli and tasty food department aimed at reducing food loss. Our aim is to 'always make 2% better'. We are working on making incremental improvements, for example, by expanding our business, increasing our revenues and reducing food loss by 2%.

ーWhen you spoke to Selina, what did she say?

Tommy: Selina used to come to the shop a lot, even during the Corona disaster. Selina was also bored during the Corona disaster. She gave me all sorts of great ideas while she was bored because of the situation in Corona where she couldn't go outside. For example, I always got a lot of messages from her saying, "You should focus on the delivery business" or "If you do this, business will be better in Corona". She is full of energy and often comes to the shop with her girlfriend. She is very good at complimenting people. She motivates them with compliments like, "Wow, this is really good," or "This is going to work," or "This idea is so great." She is a busy person and she goes to other people and encourages and motivates all kinds of people.

Letting children see and experience their place of work

ーTommy, you upload photos of your family on social networking sites, what is your and your family's diet like?

Tommy: In Denmark, there is a phenomenon that not only the children's generation, but also people in their 20s and 30s cannot cook.

(Interpreter Yoko Note: Danish men are generally better cooks than Japanese men, live alone more often and are more independent. But according to Tommy, young people don't cook much and don't know how to cook)

Tommy: I often stand in the kitchen with my children and cook with them. Yesterday I took them to work and showed them the fish auction. I cook dinner with them on the barbecue. I have an oyster farm as my business and I spend my summer holidays there. The children are involved in my business and cooking. I spend my summer holidays as a combination of work and holiday. I involve my children in some of my work and pass on what I know from an early age. Young Danish people come to the shop and ask me how long they should boil the rice, or how they should cook the rice. They don't know how to boil potatoes or how long to boil oysters. So I try to inspire the younger generation by introducing recipes on my website and publishing recipe books. I am very proud of myself for involving my own children in my business and work.

ーThat's fantastic!

Tommy: It is important to find a balance within the family, but it is difficult. I am not telling my children to grow up fast. Your wife says: "Haven't you had enough work?" I say. But for me, with work being a big part of my life and a big part of my lifestyle, it is very important and difficult to find a balance between family and work. New and interesting projects are constantly popping up, so it's difficult to make a break and say, 'Well, that's it'.

'Reduce food loss & waste and use it all' is one solution to the global food crisis

Two weeks ago I started another bakery project. There are two buildings in the market called 'TorvehallerneKBH'. The fish shop was the fresh food one, but we opened a new bakery in the middle of the other building, where there is a bakery, a cake shop, a chocolate shop and a tea shop. It is full of fun projects.

(Interpreter Yoko Note: I just went there. It smelled so good and looked delicious)

ーSpeaking of bread, wheat prices have gone up, and has this been affected by the situation in Ukraine? In Japan, the price of foodstuffs in restaurants has tripled. Japan has a food self-sufficiency rate of 37%, so a food crisis is reported. What about in Denmark with regard to the food crisis?

Tommy: We are told in the media that the price of food will go up and that it will become unaffordable. When the price of petrol goes up, the price of wheat and butter goes up, and shortages and price rises of daily necessities are seen. Consumers cannot afford them because they are too expensive. So one of the main solutions is to eliminate food loss and use it all. Time is now also paying more attention to the food loss issue. The timing of the time is encouraging food loss reduction. If we don't use all the food, it will be too expensive for consumers to afford and eat.

ーThank you very much. Is that a family member in the background?

Tommy: Yes, they are. My daughter has accompanied me to Japan many times, so she has friends in Japan. I think she must have missed hearing Japanese.

ーFinally, what is your enthusiasm for the new project?

Tommy: I sell fish fillets and fillets in my fish shop and the rest is used to make delicious deli food in one of my two kitchens. Then, in the other kitchen, I process the rest, turning it into soup. At the end, I want to make sure that there are only bones left. That is my vision, my hope. I believe it is the right thing to do for the environment and the planet, and I believe it will also keep my business healthy. In reality, it is difficult to reduce food loss to zero. I think that somewhere something will be lost. But my vision is that ideally, fish will come in from here and when they leave, there will be nothing left. This is my view. Food prices will rise and the amount of food will be limited. In the situation where the fishing industry is limited in terms of fish, I believe that the only way forward is to use it all up. I hope to inspire other businesses to share my ideas.

After the interview

I was impressed by Tommy's words that it is a courtesy to living creatures to use up whole animals and fish, and that eliminating food loss & food waste is the way to solve the global food crisis. I am convinced that if everyone involved in food has the same attitude as Tommy, the world's food-related problems can be solved.


We would like to thank Ms.Selina Juul and Mr.Christian Moeller for the opportunity to interview them and Ms.Yoko Windsor for interpreting Danish into Japanese.


1)たった5年で食品ロス25%も削減 デンマーク王室をも動かしたある女性の怒りとパワー(井出留美、Yahoo!ニュース個人、2019/9/13)


3)Farverig fiskehandler og iværksætter fylder 40(fiskeritidende, 2019/11/27)


